Take A Proactive Approach To Care For Your Smile
When you attend dental checkups regularly, you maintain your smile’s beauty while lowering your risk of common threats. Waiting to schedule an appointment until symptoms of decay or disease appear can mean losing out on your chance to prevent them from happening in the first place. When you regularly schedule time for us to clean your teeth and examine your smile, you can avoid tooth decay and discover it before it causes significant harm.
Each time you visit our office, we take special care to ensure you get the most out of your time in the dental chair. We believe a comfortable atmosphere will help inspire you to stay on top of your preventive visits and protect your smile. As we continue getting to know you at additional visits, we look forward to helping address your specific oral health needs.
What To Expect During Your Appointment
Your dental checkup will provide vital services to clean and protect your smile. By removing all plaque and tartar, your hygienist identifies deposits you may miss at home. While daily brushing and flossing are crucial to maintaining your oral health, you cannot remove tartar without professional assistance. Your dentist will then examine your teeth, gums, and oral tissue to provide a comprehensive review of any changes since your last appointment. This helps discover gum disease or tooth decay issues you may not yet notice. By discovering any problems early, we may have more options when it comes to treatment.
Putting Your Best Smile Forward
If you are looking for a dependable Midland dentist, call us today. We can schedule an appointment to create a personalized treatment plan and transform your smile!